
Monday, August 8, 2011

State Fair

We actually had a chance to go to the fair this weekend! You're just not a Hoosier if you don't get to the State Fair to check out the array of heart stopping fried treats, hillbilly festivities, giant boar's, and stables filled with more smelly wonderful animals. Actually, I love seeing the animals at the Fair, although I may need to reconsider the whole flip flop thing next time I go into the barns. My favorite animals are the baby piggies they are just too darn cute. I really want to have some land some day and have baby farm animals! I'd like to have a goat, a pig, a cow, and a horse. I want babies only though can someone arrange that for me? Ooh and I want a chicken that lays eggs. I did have a baby chick once, actually two of them Henry and Henrietta. Henry would follow me around with that cute little chickie waddle. Enough of that. So these giant boar's, can someone tell me what the purpose of making your animal that fat is? Do they eat them? Do they breed them? Maybe this is me being a stupid city girl but someone help me out here. They just don't look like they could possibly be comfortable. My second question is this, what in the world do you do when that thing decides it doesn't want to pick it's giant butt up and move?

Prior to seeing the animals we went to the tractor pulls. I love that my husband like these things I think it's adorable. He's so funny how he gets excited about a truck pulling a giant trailer down a dirt track. I will have to admit though, this being my first tractor pull and all, that I was quite amused. I do give him a lot of hell for being from Kentucky but it's all in good fun and only because I love him. It's not like I've not had my fair share of country living. I mean we had to pull the groceries up the hill in a sled one winter because the car couldn't get up the hill in Brown County. It was pretty fun, I do enjoy loud trucks and there was even a woman competing so I thought that was neat. He got a real kick out of the Mack truck named the "Killer". To our knowledge it won but we didn't stay until the end.

Next we visited the "He ate WHAT?" exhibit. Here they showed us x-rays of animals that had eaten crazy items and explained how they were removed and what kind of harm they may have done to the animal. No worries though, all the pets in these x-rays lived. My favorite was the Labrador puppy that ate the 9 inch skewer off the grill. This poor guy had half the skewer in his belly and half of it in his esophagus! We saw a kitten with a needle in her belly, lots of coins in the bellies of dogs, and a bottle cap, just to name a few. The vet said that even a full grown dog is like having a toddler because they chew and eat everything. Not all dogs are this way but we do have one. My little guy Oly is way past the chewing phase but Dozer on the other hand would eat a grenade. Daily he comes to the bed in the morning with something in his mouth. Usually it's one of his daddy's socks, a receipt one of the cats has fished out of my purse, or my favorite...something he's dug out of the trash in the bathroom. I'd be curious to see an x-ray of his belly as I'm sure there is more than a few items in there on a daily basis. Luckily for us he's never been ill from anything he's eaten. I do feel somewhat prepared for a toddler though after having this big boy in the house. With his giant tail we can't leave anything on the table that is breakable and anything that is on the floor ends up in his mouth.

Last but not least, let's discuss the food at the fair. It never ceases to amaze me the concoctions that they come up with at the State Fair every year. If you can fry it, consider it done. If you can't fry it, they'll will inevitably find a way. A few things that stand out in my mind being fried Kool-aid (WTH?), fried butter, fried snickers bars, and fried brownies. Those are just a few I saw on the sign. I'll be honest with you for a second I thought....fried brownies, but I stopped myself as I imagined how much gym time that would add up to. Come on people fried butter? Burgers on donuts?? Bleck. Maybe it's delicious but I'm not even going to go there for fear that I may possibly enjoy it. Instead we got the standard lemon-shakeup and some kettle corn. I just can't leave the fair without my lemon-shakeup. There were also some weird meat parfait type things, some sort of meat sundae, and several stands that fried vegetables and fruit. So if you are heading to the fair, have gone already, or have eaten any of these things in the past, feel free to lend me your thoughts. I'm just not brave enough.

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