
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Zacky Boy is Coming Home!

I am so excited that my brother will FINALLY be close to us again. I still remember the day he left for boot camp like it was yesterday. I was working when he came by to say good-bye before he left for Kentucky. It was all I could do not to cry my eyes out right there in front of my customers. Zack joining the Army was a bit of a shock for all of us. I don’t know if I ever really stopped to consider what exactly he would do after school but never did I imagine he’d want to go into the military. Now looking back I think it’s a good fit for him. It has sort of forced him into maturity in a way. Zack will always be a kid inside with his fast shiny toys. I don’t think he will ever grow out of that, the military did help him to mature and grow in other ways though and I think that shows.

It was tough the first time he went to Iraq, I felt something unlike anything I’d ever really experienced. I felt proud and terrified all at the same time. Proud that my little brother was putting his life on the line to fight for our country and terrified for the same reasons. Calls from him were always welcomed and exciting while he was in Iraq. I also enjoyed the pictures of him “playing” on the machines they worked on. When he came back it was so exciting to see him after so long! We made the long drive to Texas to see him return and it was well worth it! Unfortunately I didn’t get to welcome him home after his second tour but I got to visit shortly after in Virginia Beach.



So he’s been all over the place for the last 6 or so years. After boot camp he lived 10+ hours away. First at Ft. Hood Texas and then to Ft. Story Virginia Beach, both of which were one heck of a drive. The long distance made it hard to see him every holiday or to go visit very often. But…… he’s going to be in the very same state for the first time since he joined the Army!!

I am so very excited that he will be a short 2.5 hours away! That’s just a hop skip and jump compared to Texas or Virginia! I’ve missed my little brother and I couldn’t be happier to have him practically right down the road now. I’m looking forward to seeing him on holidays and hopefully when that special day comes for J-dawg and I to make little ones, Uncle Zack can be there to watch them grow up! This assignment is pretty much the best thing we could have asked for, no more tours to Iraq or Afghanistan, which is where he was headed if it weren’t for this recruiting gig! At least for awhile anyway! We are so blessed that God has kept him safe while away and that he can finally be home again.

1 comment:

  1. Ditto, Ditto, Ditto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be glad to have him closer too! I just hope the Army doesn't screw anything up! :( MOM
