
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Changing Doctors

It may sound silly of me but I changed my doctor because I felt she was a little too “old school” for my taste. I like her, I do but I just don’t agree with some of her recommendations. The things that bothered me really were trivial, such as the fact that she said flat out NO running, after I had researched exercising while pregnant and read a crap ton of books already on the subject. There were guidelines passed in 1985 by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) that stated a pregnant woman should not exceed a maximum heart rate of 140bpm. That was later revised in 1994 along with other guidelines that offered a little more flexibility in pregnancy. No one woman’s body is the same and the ACOG realized this which is what prompted the revised guidelines. Anyway, my other doctor was strictly following the 1985 guidelines rather than the 1994 revised version. She also told me no chiropractor but I’d read it was perfectly fine and actually helped ease some of the pains of pregnancy. I also talked to my chiropractor who is recommended by several OBs and he said it was completely safe. So I called around and found a doctor with a more modern approach to prenatal care. I’m glad I did because if I already disagreed with the other doctor at this point, who knows how I would have felt towards the end.

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