
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pregnancy Meltdowns - Wine and Hamburger Buns

If you’ve been pregnant, known someone who was pregnant, or have seen a movie or two with a pregnant woman in it, you are well aware of a magical thing called pregnancy hormones. All of the girls out there can relate on some occasion due to hormones that are also naturally occurring at that special time of the month. So take the way you feel when Aunt Flo is about to visit and multiply that by oh let’s be conservative and say…. One thousand. I experienced my first real hormonal breakdown just last weekend. Two of them actually, we’ll call these wine and hamburger buns.

Saturday, what started out as a beautiful day soon got ugly. I was seemingly normal, I got up went to work out with my friend Billi, cleaned the house a bit, and did some shopping. I’d signed up for a 5k prior to getting pregnant called Wine at the Line. I was super excited about it because it was at my favorite winery and I thought what better way to end a run but with a glass of wine! Well then I got pregnant and I’m pretty sure Jellybean is not a huge fan of wine yet nor would he/she be happy with me if I indulged in a glass. So I knew that I wouldn’t be enjoying any wine at the finish line but I was still excited. I’d plan to run with a friend but she couldn’t attend so I asked my Dad and my hubby. Neither of them could run it with me. Ok fine, not a big deal right? So Justin and I drove out there to at least pick up my shirt since I’d already paid for my registration. Did I mention what a gorgeous day it was? Oh yeah so we walk over to the tent and I see bananas…and start to get sad. I don’t know what it was about those bananas that really set it all in to motion. I pick up my shirt pouting the entire time. I say to Justin “look there’s even snacks” with a pathetic look on my face. I pout all the way back to the car, upset that suddenly I “have no friends” which is the assumption I make because no one wants to run with me. (Yes a mild over reaction). So as we pull out of the winery the water works flow. I’m seriously embarrassed by this so I put my sunglasses on so Justin won’t notice. I’m not even sure why I’m crying at this point. Justin being the good husband that he is, asks “what’s wrong hunny”. Clearly I’m not stable as I suck wind and sniffle as I sob. I think it went something like this:

“I just wanted to run…nobody wanted to run with me…I hate being pregnant….it’s not fair….I don’t get to do ANYTHING….no running ….no WINE…..I don’t get to do ANYTHING….this sucks….I can’t even have soft serve icecream…..I feel fat… face is ugly….I thought you got pretty hair when you were pregnant….(insert uncontrollable tears now) …..I DIDN’T EVEN GET THE PRETTY HAIR!”

At this point my poor unsuspecting husband starts laughing! So I cry harder because he’s laughing at me! Eventually I too saw the humor in it but geesh I thought those tears were going to go on forever. Really, I don’t hate being pregnant. Yes sometimes it feels like you are limited when there are all these rules about what you can't do, what you can't eat or drink, how you are supposed to sleep, or workout, etc but it will all be worth it in the long run. I’m sure of it.

So the very next day we run into a very similar scenario. I ask Justin to grab hamburger buns while he's out. When he returns with no hamburger buns I get upset because darn it I wanted to put pickles on my barbecue chicken sandwich! He really thinks this is not a big deal. I did mention we had no buns and we could eat the chicken on a plate with a fork. Here's the thing...when you start thinking about something while pregnant you just don't let it go. So this idea of pickles on a BUN with chicken was just not going to go away. Of course I cried and my wonderful husband went back out and bought buns. This one really confirmed my nuttiness. By the way, that sandwich was delicious.

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