
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Here comes baby!

It’s official, Justin and I are going from 2 to 3. Yep that’s right, currently I am growing a tiny little human. Crazy isn’t it? Before anyone asks that evil (and RUDE) question “Was it planned?” YES it was and we couldn’t be more excited. I’d always known I wanted to be married at least a year before bringing kids into the mix so our time couldn’t be more perfect. We celebrated our 1 year anniversary with positive pee sticks! Haha. Actually we found out shortly before our anniversary but it was quite the anniversary gift for both of us.

I was thinking a June baby would be just about perfect but God decided maybe May would be a better plan. I just hope he doesn’t let me go into labor during my final exams at school! So I need to catch you all up on the happenings of the last several weeks since we’ve been sitting on this for a little while. Almost all of our close friends and family know by now but we weren’t really ready to make it completely public until we were almost out of the worrisome first trimester. Also I waited a bit to tell my boss just so I knew everything looked good and healthy. Anything can happen in those delicate first few months so we wanted to keep it a secret for as long as we could stand it. For those of you who know how much I like to talk, that’s been SUPER tough for me. I just want to talk about babies non-stop. I want to look at cute baby clothes and daydream about baby nurseries! We've had two appointments so far and both went very well. I'm on track so far for a May 9th due date.

So here is how it went down :

“Pee Sticks” gross Justin out and he’d rather me call them pregnancy tests but I like to torment him (because I love him so dearly), so we will refer to them as Pee Sticks going forward.

August 28th Stick #1

Sunday morning, Moto GP weekend. I take a test and there is the faintest of lines in the test area. Not so faint that I had to peel the sucker apart, place it under a black light, or alter the image of the photo to see the line, but a LINE I can SEE. Me being me, I thought oh it’s so faint, I’m not going to get myself all excited just yet. I wasn’t expecting it to happen so soon so I was still sort of in shock at this point. So off we go to the races, I never say a single word to Justin the entire day (it’s killing me).

August 29th Sticks #2-5 or more

If you’ve ever done this before you know that sometimes you can’t just stop at one. In disbelief you just keep buying sticks or using the stash of 30 (yep I stocked up) you have under the sink. Knowing that Justin would have no idea what 2 lines instead of one meant on my cheapie tests I went to get the REAL DEAL, the digital ones that say PREGNANT.


There’s really no mistaking that. There’s no shade of a line you have to decipher it just hits you right in the face. BAM, PREGNANT! Then you’re like holy crap I’m pregnant.

August 28th Roughly 6pm

So after I confirmed with the digital, I got my plan together to tell Justin. I’d been planning how to tell him from the moment we started trying. I wanted to make it really special. So I decided to re-create his proposal. I typed out a little message that said “Will you be my baby daddy”, because he giggles when I say baby daddy, and on the back I put “We’re due in May!”. I rolled it up like a ring and placed it in the box that my engagement ring came in.


I put it in the refrigerator…..quick refresher for those of you who’ve forgotten the proposal story….Justin has romantic idea to put ring on candle in hot tub. Ring sinks. Justin panics. Justin puts ring in refrigerator. Justin asks me to get him a beer…… that’s how it happened. Anyway, I strategically place the ring in FULL view in the refrigerator. Who misses it? He does. Already chock-full of pregnancy hormones I’m not really sure whether to be upset or angry. So I take the box to him and let him open it. When he reads it all that can come out of his mouth is “Are you serious?!” “Is this for real?” “Am I being punked?”. So I show him the digital test, the obvious test. I’m still wondering to this day if he believes me haha.

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