
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Court, apparently you don't have to show up

Hungry dog, tried to eat his way through the door. Paint hides anything though right? Wrong!

Dog eats his way through door so the bathroom is the next option. Still hungry he eats just the top layer of the linoleum, picky little thing.

When this all fails he instead tries to eat/dig his way to China. What you are seeing is the concrete slab the house is sitting on.

Yesterday was my first day ever in a court room. I was absolutely panicked, even though I am the Plaintiff in this case I was still nervous. As mentioned previously in another post about public speaking, I am not good at it, will never be, and am usually terrified that I will pee down my leg in fear. Keep in mind I am the one who sued in this case and I am being completely honest in the allegations I have made. I have no reason whatsoever to be nervous, after all they are the ones in the wrong. I dressed up nicely for the event because my mother taught me well. You dress professionally out of respect for the judge. Um, was I the only one that got this memo? Apparently the dress code was flip flops, jeans, and a ratty folder full of crinkled up papers or worse yet, nothing to defend your case. I even had an older gentleman mistake me for an attorney. While it was flattering (the old lady pantyhose must have indicated to him a position of power) I said, "No, just a regular old girl." Now I've been known to change my major a few times, drastically change my career goals, etc. But not once have I EVER had any desire to be a lawyer, never. I'd rather pour pickle juice in my eyes to be quite honest. I'd like to think I'm pretty at good at anything I put my mind to, but let's face it I would suck as a lawyer. I admire anyone who can get in front of a room full of people to argue something and not faint.

Anyway, long story short, I sued my previous tenants for terminating their lease 9 months early, not giving proper notice, non-payment, and a lengthy list of damages to my home. Above, are just a few pics of the damage the dog did. He ate door casings in the master bath/master bedroom, chewed the linoleum in the master bath, tore a giant hole in the carpet, chewed on cabinets in the bathroom, ate the window sill, and tried to scratch his way through the doors in both. Hey but they left the house clean and "let" me keep the security deposit so it's ok right? What makes me the most angry is I tried to negotiate a plan with this family so they could get caught up on other payments, such as their giant flexfuel, fully loaded Durango. I mean I thought I was being MORE than understanding. I was going to take a loss for 4 months until they got their tax check. Then they say oh by the way we are just going to move because so and so said we can live there free for 2 months. Hey "so and so" good freaking luck that is one hungry dog. What's even better, it was family. Word of advice, business and family generally don't mix on that level.

When I sent the accounting statement threatening legal action they agreed to meet us and discuss the payments. Again, I was understanding and agreed. We made an agreement that they would make 2 payments one in April after their taxes were filed and one in June. The best part was when the boyfriend said "we don't do shit like this where I am from, all on paper and shit". Really? Where are you from dude? The land of we just let people take advantage and then scoot out with no repercussions. Well, buddy, where I am from we don't take crap lying down and I am not about to let you walk all over me after you signed a legally binding contract. Period. Too many people get away with these things. I wasn't going to stand for it.

So when they failed to pay I filed and had them served by Sheriff at their doorstep. Like I said, don't mess with me because I don't give in easily. Yesterday was the date set by the court to appear. Am I shocked that they didn't show up? Not at all. The judge filed a default judgement against them and I was free to go. I took a sheet with additional info on how to garnish their wages for repayment. Basically, when they go to get an apartment or house in the future and they are denied they will think of me. And that my friend is satisfaction enough. I didn't do it for the money, I did it to prove two points: A) you are not going to walk all over me B) what part of LEGAL contract don't you understand.

So it went well by my standards I didn't have to present any of my evidence to the court since they didn't show up and I could finally eat again because my nerves had returned to a normal state.

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