
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Graduating FINALLY

Well I officially have one more class left until I graduate. It’s a bitter sweet feeling considering I consider myself the 8 year Bachelors student. Why did it take so friggin long you ask? Well I have an issue making up my mind. I often joke with my husband that it’s miracle I was able to decide on him (although at the same time it was one of the easiest choices of my life!...awe). Now as a disclaimer I do have a 2 year business degree and a certificate in Clinical Research so I wasn’t just lolly gaggy the ENTIRE time. These decisions seem so easy when you are a kid, boys want to be firefighters, truck drivers, lawyers, and doctors. Girls tend to lean towards teachers, nurses, veterinarians, etc. At a young age I distinctly remember wanting to be a veterinarian. I should have just gone with my gut. But life happened and I changed my mind several times while I was still young. (BC: before college) I covered a pretty wide array of professions, veterinarian, brain surgeon, forensic pathologist, storm chase (thanks Twister), dolphin trainer, marine biologist, and nurse. Just to name a few…..

Cut to High School….to make a long story short I had severe social anxiety and pretty much just didn’t like going to school (I loved learning I just didn’t want to be surrounded by people while doing so). My Junior year I began homeschooling to finish up High School.

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