
Thursday, June 23, 2011

A rant about school and my peers

Oh the envy.....

I just have to get this one thing off my chest. I just want to say that it's been a hard long road trying to get through school while working. Do I know that others have it worse off than me? Yes, I absolutely do, but nothing sends me off the edge more than a spoiled brat. Everything my husband and I have, we worked for. We worked hard long hours to be where we are today. Both of us were working at very young ages. Things weren't handed to us growing up we WORKED for them. So when I see a student who has 3 classes and hasn't worked a day in their life, complain about how much time they don't have or how little sleep they get...I pretty much want to punch them in the nose. Add to that the fact that they will never have to repay a student loan in their lifetime. Am I a little envious? Yes, I will admit it, the thought of being able to go to school without the worry of getting my bills paid, student loans, working, or trying to schedule classes around my work schedule sounds pretty appealing. I know there are moms and dads out there that work, go to school, AND support a family so I am in no way saying my life is terrible but gosh darnit sometimes it wears me out!

Sometimes I wonder if I'd taken a different route, maybe finished High School at the public school instead of homeschooling and graduated with my class or had parents that handed me everything in life, if I'd be done with school and working happily as a Doctor. Everyone has that "what if I had done things differently" thought at some point in their life. Would I change things though, probably not. I am who I am because of the things I've gone through in my life and so is my husband. I think that makes us much stronger people and smarter in the way that we do things. So just to be clear, I love my life and am happy with my deicisions but sometimes I get annoyed by people who have fantastic lives but can't seem to pull their head out of their butt long enough to see it.

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