
Thursday, June 23, 2011

January 2010- Let the studying begin!

I was so excited to take classes I genuinely had an interest in! I only took 11 credit hours the first semester back into science courses but man did it kick my bootie. For one, I really need to learn to get more guidance before I jump into classes. Here is the thing Physiology is BIOL N217 and Anatomy is BIOL N261. So, naturally I assumed Physio came first. As it turns out it’s a VERY bad idea to take Physiology before you’ve taken Anatomy. Where is the do-over card when you need it? I went from international business, studying maybe an hour for a test to studying up to 15 hours a week before a test for Physiology. That doesn’t include class time, lab time, and tutoring 4 hours a week on Sunday. (I know that some people study more than that but it was a huge shock to me coming from hardly ever studying). Hey Carissa, maybe if you’d studied like that for Macro you’d have done well in there too.


Despite the fact that I felt like a total failure after nearly drowning in Physiology I maintained that I wanted to do something in the medical field. This is where the true, change-your-degree-a-hundred-times comes in. First I decided on Clinical Laboratory Science, I thought it would be super cool to look at specimens under a microscope on a daily basis and have literally no patient contact. Then I got scared when I realized I’d have to quit my job for a whole year to finish the program so I re-evaluated. I killed so many trees printing out degree requirements for everything under the sun that had a science base. Sorry environment.

Then I had this bright idea. Pre-Med. Ok so maybe if I’d decided on this YEARS ago it would have been an option. But come on, I’m 27 and would like to have a family someday before my eggs die. I knew that just wasn’t possible if I devoted myself to Med School at this point in my life. Would it have been fantastic? Yes. Other things, life in particular, got in the way. Questions arose, what if I don’t get in, how will I pay for it if I do, how do I pay for anything if I get in I can’t work, what if I can’t hack it, what if I change my mind AGAIN, can I handle the demands of a residency program working 80 hours a week if I want to have a baby????

Ultimately I landed on nursing again. I could finish my first Bachelors degree in ANYTHING and then apply for the accelerated program. I did have several of the pre-requisites finished so it all I had to do was apply when I finished my degree. I looked at 2 schools. The one I wanted to attend would cost an additional $50K for 16 months. Let me just say here, I’m not one of those kids that got lucky with a scholarship because I homeschooled, my parents didn’t have the means to pay my way through school and I missed my chance for that anyway when I moved out at the ripe old age of 18. So you can imagine I have a little school debt looming already. I also didn’t think I would be happy being a nurse. No disrespect to nurses because I have several friends that are AMAZING nurses and love what they do but I just don’t think it was for me. I have my personal reasons and it has nothing to do with the profession itself.

So what to do……

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